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Our Philosophy

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Guided and inspired by the reverence for Earth’s wonders and bounty,

Kensal Provisions creates food that excites our palettes and supports inner vitality.


Our individual and collective impact on the planet is a fundamental priority for us.  We believe mindful and conscious consumption must be the future.  This is not a selling point; this is how we viscerally see the world.



Every step and decision we take, has the welfare of the planet and you in consideration.  All the vegetables we use are seasonal and are grown in the UK. What we need to import, we carefully source from select partners and organic growers.  We closely take into account the impact our ingredients have on you and on our planet. 



There exists a world of vital possibility among the plants that Earth offers us.  Humans are re-awakening to this, realisations fuelled by the ongoing environmental crisis.  If we shift our perspectives and daily choices, we can ignite change and begin to heal our planet, and at the same time, heal ourselves.


Our provisions are created and curated with a chef's mind and hand.

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Earth and its Plant Kingdom cornucopia are our inspiration

and teacher.

Big Wave

We use filtered water

for all our cooking.


 We deep clean our vegetables using bicarbonate of soda.

'Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise.  Seek what they sought.' 

- Matsuo Basho

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